Honey Maple Wine

lonnetre  14% ABV

Norwegian for maple, this delicacy is made with Connecticut maple-syrup and Connecticut honey.

honey peach wine

fersken  11.5% ABV

Honey peach wine made with our new son-in-law in mind. 

Honey wine with hibiscus


With flavor as beautiful as the flower, this hibiscus-flavored honey wine is one of our best sellers.

Coffee Mead


Bold flavor for the coffee-lovers!

06359                         All-CT Ingredient IPA

Made with Connecticut grown grain, hops and deliciously fresh well-water to produce the home state flavor of this hand-crafted, farm brewed IPA. Our wildflower-nourished honeybees happily help the hops flourish at our farm brewery.


Krazy K                 Kolsch-Style Honey Ale 

They say the grain does not fall far from the stalk.  So, it is with the inspirational namesake of “Crazy K”, someone who holds a very special place in our hearts and keeps us “hoppy”.

Made with Connecticut wildflower honey. 




Wendy’s Wheat                 Blonde Ale 

 CT grain, hops and honey used to provide the true flavor of locally brewed and packaged hand-crafted beer.




KimBarrelE                 Barrel-aged Stout

Perfect for relaxing in the cool weather. 

This full-bodied chocolate imperial stout has notes of coffee after patiently aging for a year in a bourbon barrel.

EdtoberFest        Marzen-Style Honey Lager

“Edtoberfest”, designed and named for the 75th birthday celebration of a guy named Ed who will drink none other than a lager of the Oktoberfest style.  Crisp and refreshing, this classic lager recipe has made a fan of someone who used to steer away from craft beer.


Veterans Strong    American Strong Ale

Brewed in honor of Veterans, past, present and future keeping America free! A medium-full bodied, malty, hoppy beer with complex flavors and aromas. Slightly low head retention due to higher alcohol content. Nice aroma with resiny notes of New World (American) hops.






Pendleton Porter   

Perfect after dinner.  This dark beer with our own  Ms. Beer Haven honey finish is popular along Rt 95 north to south. 



Katana                                  Koji Rice Ale

A fusion beverage made from both Beer and Sake ingredients. Hops and grain combined with a traditional Japanese polished rice inoculated with Koji gives this beer a great fresh flavor for enjoyment year-round.